Party Birds, an Illustration Series

A digital illustration of a Common Loon floating on serene water with its loonling on its back. Both are wearing blue party hats. Their image is reflected off the surface of the water.

This project was created after a friend mentioned seeing a nuthatch that looked like it was ‘late for a party’. After the nuthatch illustration was finished, I began polling other friends for what birds they’d like to see with party hats. Before I knew it, I had a fleet of party-ready birds on my hands.

Retro Toronto Illustration Series

This post showcases a series of digital illustrations of Toronto locations, inspired by old photographs and postcards, and created using Procreate and Adobe Photoshop. The featured works include “Sam the Record Man,” “Maple Leaf Gardens,” “Queen and Parliament Street,” and “The Zipper.” Prints are available in the Retro Toronto Series shop.